Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kid Quotes

As many of you know, most of my deep and meaningful conversations w/ my kids happen in the car, en route to the grocery store, dance class, the doctor.  Yesterday's conversation started out scientific when Madeleine asked, "Mommy, don't lie, is there a man in the moon?"  I answered that there was not but that a man had visited the moon.  This information intrigued her and inspired her to ask futher questions.  This is not really my area - Jason is the science nerd of the family - I am merely the reading, writing and grammar nerd of the family. 
Madeleine:  "What men went to the moon?  Presidents?"
Me:  "No, astronauts."  At least I know that much.
Madeleine:  "Why was George Washington our president?"
I'm glad she switched subjects because I was afraid she was going to ask the name of the man who went to the moon.  I would have said Neil Armstrong but I'm not entirely confident in that answer.
Me:  "Well, he was our president because he fought in an army and helped us gain freedom from another country."
Madeleine:  "Why was Abraham Lincoln our President?"
Me:  "Well, he helped get rid of slavery."
Madeleine: "What is slavery?"
Literally, this is a 7 minute car trip to dance class and it just got real....too real.
Me:  "Slavery is when you own a person and you make them do a lot of things like take care of your land and clean your house all the time.  Those people are slaves"
Madeleine:  (with WAY too much excitement)  LIKE YOU!!!!
Me:  What?
Madeleine:  Like you make us always clean up and clean our rooms......
Nice.....they equate me with slave owners.
Lily:  (sigh)  I'm bored of cleaning my room.  Cleaning rooms is bored.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Spooky Rupes on Haunted Hilltop Drive

So at about 10:30 I sent Jason and the girls down to the Health Clinic for impromptu H1N1 vaccs.  I noticed they were offering them to high risk groups, of which all three of them are, and our doctors keep telling us "we're supposed to get them in" and "check back in a couple of weeks."  Well, there was nothing more scary on Halloween yesterday than a six hour wait for some nose spray.  We had no idea it would be six hours but the girls were troopers and I feel a little bit better now that Mr. Compromised Immune System got his swine shield.  The girls need to go back in a month for a booster.....better come prepared with a sack breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

All was soon forgotten, or at least made into a distant memory when they arrived home just in time to slip into a costume and get ready to beg our neighbors for free candy.

I decided on being a Romantic Era Vampire.  I don't know what that means other than crazy hair, crazy makeup and a lot of pearls and jewels.  Jason was a guy who took a hatchet to the forehead.  Madeleine was a broken doll and Lily was a good old-fashioned witch! 

We had the usual crowd:  A zombie and her mom, a devil, a pirate, a scarecrow, a tinman and their guardians, a bolt of lightening and his date, and the usual Halloween fare:  chili, rice, cornbread.  It was a night were fun took over and flu shots were soon forgotten.

The hatchet guy and his sad little Halloween doll

I vant to suck your blood!

Lily can't read the sign

The cowardly lion isn't too cowardly....
getting so close to that totally realistic looking lightening bolt.

Hey little dolly....

Jason and some spirit friends looming around the cemetary.

A motley crew of ghoulish trick or treaters.