Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Love those car ride conversations.

So we're running some errands after school and Madeleine says:
"mommy, it's red ribbon week at school."

Me: "It is? You know what that means?"

I didn't even think before I the words came out. Did I really want to get into a conversations about how some girls do cocaine to fit into their size -26 skinny jeans; or how some kids think the movies Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz go much better with some shrooms? No I did not, but it was too late.

Maddy: "No! What does it mean?"

Me: "Uh, it means no DRUGS", how in the world was I going to get out of this conversation?

I hear Lily's percussive tapping on her car seat.

Lily: "No playing the DRUMS?"

I laugh.

Maddy: (exasperated) "No Lily...she said DRUBS"

That's right, Red Ribbon Week means no drubs. And that was the end of the drug discussion, thank goodness!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

This is Halloween...This is Halloween

On the tram and headed to Mickey's Trick or Treat! They still have no idea :)

These ladies want to make sure that all kids are afraid of clowns

Here are some from Mickey's Trick or Treat last night. I'll blog later....I'm so tired I feel like I was out drinking all night instead of dancing to the "Disney" cover of Brick House with some overly peppy Candy Corn Girls.