Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Love those car ride conversations.

So we're running some errands after school and Madeleine says:
"mommy, it's red ribbon week at school."

Me: "It is? You know what that means?"

I didn't even think before I the words came out. Did I really want to get into a conversations about how some girls do cocaine to fit into their size -26 skinny jeans; or how some kids think the movies Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz go much better with some shrooms? No I did not, but it was too late.

Maddy: "No! What does it mean?"

Me: "Uh, it means no DRUGS", how in the world was I going to get out of this conversation?

I hear Lily's percussive tapping on her car seat.

Lily: "No playing the DRUMS?"

I laugh.

Maddy: (exasperated) "No Lily...she said DRUBS"

That's right, Red Ribbon Week means no drubs. And that was the end of the drug discussion, thank goodness!