Sunday, May 24, 2009

What have we been up to?

Easter Present from mom and dad

The girls setting out their baskets

Okay Easter Bunny....fill them with some fun please!

dyeing eggs the night before.

I did another really bad thing - I went a long stretch without updating this silly little blog. I rely to much on my memory thinking I'll remember all the precious moments three months down the line - and of course, I don't.


Fun time at my sisters. The kids all went on a hunt and Lily ended up with the overflowing basket of eggs. We performed our traditional Easter duties by dying eggs the night before this year. Then the girls filled their baskets with the dyed eggs and some carrots for the bunny and set them by the front door. We were very worried that Chloe the mischievous Cat would eat all the carrots and the Easter Bunny would be mad, but all turned out fine. Chloe minded her Easter manners and the Easter Bunny came in the night, leaving a trail of plastic eggs to our baskets full of candies and goodies. He also hid the colored eggs and we had our Easter morning hunt inside the house.