Monday, May 3, 2010

Madeleine turns 7!

So Madeleine's birthday was Monday May 3rd.  She woke up to the traditional pink streamers hanging in the doorway and started her day with a new outfit in the morning including a shirt which read "Cupcakes are the new donuts."  Ironically, when asked what treat she wanted to bring to her classmates - she picked donuts.  Breakfast on the special plate, a trip to Justice for a bday treat, a requested Taco dinner and a dolcissimo cupcake topped off her special day.

I can't believe you are 7 my sweet Madeleine!  You have brought me seven years of continuous joy....I hope I have given you the same!

Crazy Girls
Aww, Sisters
My girls and Me!
Holding my Big Baby Girl
Raise the Roof
Sweet Kisses <3
All Grown Up
Sassy little Gingersnap!