Sunday, July 6, 2008

Girls Night Out!

Scrappin' Happy Girl

So we girls planned a scrapbooking night, something that is long overdue since my poor children think the only way you view pictures is online or through the camera, right after you take the picture. I'm proud to say that I do have a wedding and honeymoon album done (though not done completely the way I like it), and I do have Madeleine's baby book and baby album of her up to 7 months old. After that....I got nothin'! So, knowing this scrapbooking night was on the horizon, I took a good 5 hours online sifting through my Kodakgallery photos, trying to figure out what to tackle first. With a suggestion from my sister, I started with the "Summer" album. It will chronicle as many summers as I can fit in it, and it will include all 4th of July's, summer vacations and activities. Phew! I feel like some progress is about to be made. This may seem like a silly dilemma until you're the one facing over 100 albums over 5 years time online!

We got to Jennifer's house around 5:00 and started our, as we like to call it, "Visual Chronicling" - people who "scrapbook" are weird, we decided. There are those who subscribe to the simple pages philosophy and we decided, we are not those. Simple pages may mean completed albums but where is the fun in that! I think my scrapbooks will always mirror my house. No room is ever done, complete or finished. There's always a new element to add, a new look to incorporate and I think that rings true when you're talking about Visual Chronicles. I see it as art more than a chore and how fun it is to be among your girlfriends while you chronicle the work of art that is your life.

Okay, all warm and fuzzy, philosophical babble aside, we had quite a silly time too. Some things shouldn't be posted, but hey, this is a family site, and I ignore that fact almost every time I post, so I think it's okay to say that no topic was off limits. I know more than I care to about Jennifer's friend Camilla's life between the sheets (I'm assuming Camilla doesn't subscribe to my blog), I know John, Jennifer and Candie's "numbers" and I know that a sweet little kitty cat can bitch slap you so hard that you get a bruise.

Oh and by midnight, when we had finally "cropped" till we dropped, I actually had something to show for it. I think the scrapbook bug bit me because I was back at Michael's today, 40% off coupon in hand, buying glittery letters that I just couldn't live without and salivating over the compartmentalized, scrapbooker's satchel for that crafter on-the-go. But then again, I'm not one of "those scrapbookers," so why would I need one?

Time to pack up the glass slippers and leave the Visual Chronicle Ball

Part of my finished product


CAT Family said...

LOL...ahhh..good the part about the kitty bitch slap!!

Buhac Four said...

That's my "sweet" little Kellie cat you are talking about ~ I wish you and Elphie all the same good times ;-)