Monday, April 21, 2008

Was that her outside voice?

So, the point of the blog is to record the minutae of our daily life, for posterity right? We want to preserve the memories that otherwise escape us, not because they are insignificant but because they aren't the major milestones of childhood and family life. Now this is one of those blogs that my daughters will read in ten years and silently (or not so silently) curse the fact that their mother is a writer with a very little social filter. This is one of those blogs where you may walk away thinking, "too much information." Maybe so, but I suspect many of you have also experienced these laugh out loud moments and I want to remember these laugh out loud moments and so here is is....for posterity.

Scene: 8:30pm (already running 1/2 hour past bedtime and no one is in bed). Jason is walking upstairs armed with a bedtime sippy cup for Lily, I'm trying to find clean clothes that match to set out for school tomorrow. Madeleine is in the bathroom, door wide open of course, Lily is trying to negotiate wearing the Snow White ball gown to bed instead of pajamas.

Madeleine: Mommy, will you wipe me?
Kerry: Daddy will do it, my hands are full.
Jason: I'll do it Madeleine.
Lily: No, I'll wipe you sweetie.

End Scene.

After laughing so hard it was my turn to use the potty.